Bodybuilding Programs

Bodybuilding articles, info on healthy nutrition, female fitness, anabolic steroids profiles and weight loss tips, description of muscle building exercises, workout routines and healthy products for athletes and bodybuilders, news on diets and fat burning, anabolic steroids usage, best oral and injectable steroids for bodybuilders.

The Appeal of Dragon Pharma Winstrol 10mg: A Deep Dive

In the realm of anabolic steroids, few have garnered the popularity and trust that Dragon Pharma’s Winstrol 10mg has. This highly sought-after steroid is not just another supplement; it’s a key player in the bodybuilding community. So, what makes it stand out in a market flooded with choices?

1. Optimal Dosage for Precision

Dragon Pharma has carefully calibrated Winstrol 10mg to provide an optimal dosage. This precision allows for effective management of effects and minimizes the risk of side effects, a balance eagerly sought by those looking to enhance their physique and performance meticulously.

2. Versatility in Use

Whether you’re looking to cut fat while preserving lean muscle or boost your overall athletic performance, Winstrol 10mg has proven itself versatile. It’s as beneficial for the competitive athlete as it is for the fitness enthusiast who is after a more toned and defined appearance.

3. Efficacy Backed by Results

Winstrol’s reputation is not unfounded. Users consistently report significant improvements in strength, vascularity, and muscle definition. These results come with a lower likelihood of retaining water, a common concern with many steroids, which makes it a favorite pre-competition drug.


4. The Dragon Pharma Assurance

Dragon Pharma has become synonymous with quality in the steroids market. Each batch of Winstrol 10mg undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and consistency. This dedication to quality assurance resonates well with users who prioritize their health and results.

5. Accessibility and Convenience

The ease of purchasing Dragon Pharma’s Winstrol 10mg, with its wide availability online, adds to its appeal. The ability to order it from the privacy and comfort of one’s home is not only convenient but also empowers users to take charge of their fitness journey discreetly.

6. Community Endorsement

The bodybuilding community’s endorsement of Winstrol 10mg cannot be overlooked. Forums, social media, and gym conversations often highlight its benefits, spreading its renown by word of mouth – a testament to its effectiveness that modern marketing could never match.

7. Cost-Effectiveness

When it comes to bodybuilding investments, Winstrol 10mg offers a great return. Its cost-effectiveness makes it accessible to a broad audience, ensuring that those looking to enhance their physical capabilities don’t have to break the bank to do so.

In conclusion, Dragon Pharma’s Winstrol 10mg is not just popular by chance. Its tailored dosage, versatility, proven efficacy, assured quality, easy accessibility, community endorsement, and cost-effectiveness combine to make it a standout choice for individuals committed to achieving peak physical form.

Why It Is Suggested To Buy Legit Steroids With Bitcoin Online

Purchasing steroids sometimes appears as a vice in front of the court of the law, which may be considered as a problem for the professional bodybuilders, who are based on the steroids on purpose. It is hard to shape up the body properly without the support of the steroids. Therefore, a person needs to buy steroids to boost up the body without a prescription. This is what considered a breach of law in many countries, as the governments consider that using steroids may lead the people towards self destruction. Such a misconception can be a killer for the bodybuilders and professional athletes, who consume the anabolic substances sometimes to support the body against reckless and hardcore training schedules. However, the bodybuilders of modern days are smarter enough and instead of meeting a medical professional to forge a prescription from that person, they talk to the experts and eventually take the help of the crypto-currencies to buy steroids online.


The trend of buying legit steroids with Bitcoin has come up very recently as it has been observed that the purchase of supportive yet banned steroids can eventually land the buyers into troubles. Therefore, many bodybuilders and aspiring ones have chosen to buy legit steroids with Bitcoin where both the parties can successfully hide their identities. Certainly, in this case, a supplier can also buy steroids online. On the other hand, when a direct buyer, who would like to use the steroid on him chooses to buy legit steroids with Bitcoin, maintaining sheer innocence towards the effects of the steroids may lead the person into serious troubles. This is why it is suggested to talk to the experts keenly to know about the beneficial aspects and the positive side effects of the steroids so that the user does not face any trouble.

Buying legit steroids with Bitcoin is more like buying steroids with credit or debit cards. There are many steroid selling platforms, which consider payments through those mediums. On the other hand, a person, who is based in the US, may not be able to purchase certain product, which is available on a Ukrainian web-platform. This is where the Bitcoins can help. If a person uses Bitcoin as the primary mode of transaction, it will be better for him to purchase the right substances without scathing the running accounts in the bank.

Steroids sometimes act as life-savior, not only on medical terms but also on professional bodybuilding platforms as well. A strong yet lean body may not get much attention, while a puffed up body is good for viewing. This is what steroid can do and if people want to flaunt such a body or stature, they can choose to buy legit steroids with Bitcoin online and eventually start boosting up the muscles in a proper manner.

In order to boost up the muscles and strengthen the body, steroids have no substitute. However, as long as the matter of buying the steroids matter, it will be better to consult with the experts to know the best available legal steroids online, buying which will not be troublesome for the bodybuilding aspirants.

Huge Shoulders in a Matter of Minutes


If you’re looking to develop an impressive, muscular physique, well-developed shoulders are an absolute must. Thick, round “cannon ball delts” will make your upper body appear wide and powerful and will help immensely in creating the v-tapered look that all bodybuilders strive for.

Many serious lifters will argue that underneath clothes, muscular shoulders make the greatest contribution toward the overall appearance of the upper body.

The shoulder is a 3-headed muscle that performs the function of lifting and rotating the arm. It consists of the anterior region (the front), the medial region (the middle) and the posterior region (the rear). These heads can be stimulated in the gym using two different movements: an overhead press and a raise.

The overhead press is the meat and potatoes of effective shoulder training. There isn’t a single lift out there that can match the incredible shoulder-stimulating effect of a basic overhead pressing movement. Both a barbell and a dumbbell can be used for this exercise, but dumbbells are the best overall choice.

Dumbbells allow you to move through a more natural range of motion and also don’t allow one arm to cheat for the other. They also place a greater amount of total stress on the shoulder region in comparison to the barbell, which shifts some of the stress to the upper chest.

I would recommend using the seated overhead dumbbell press as your core shoulder movement. Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with a vertical back support. Press the dumbbells overhead until your elbows are just short of locking out, and then lower them back to shoulder level.

The next exercise to look into is a basic side lateral raise, which can also be performed with a pair of dumbbells. Side laterals are an isolation exercise and will shift the majority of the stress to the medial head of the shoulder. This will build greater shoulder width and will contribute to that wide upper body look. Stand with your knees slightly bent and hold a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. With a slight bend in your arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and then lower them back to the starting position.

When it comes to training your shoulders for maximum size and strength, a basic overhead press and a side lateral raise is all you need. It’s very important to realize that the shoulders are stimulated on virtually every single upper body exercise that you perform and therefore they do not require a lot of direct work.

Most people perform far too much work on their shoulders and actually hinder their gains as a result. Because of this I typically do not recommend that you perform isolation exercises for the anterior and posterior heads.

The anterior heads are heavily stressed during all chest pressing movements while the posterior heads are hit equally hard on all rowing movements for the back. A couple of extra sets won’t hurt, but you should try to minimize the volume as much as you can.

The key to massive shoulders is quality, not quantity.

Here are a couple of sample shoulder routines that you can use:

1) Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals – 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps

If you insist on performing isolation exercises for the front and rear heads, you can use this routine:

2) Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals – 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps
Standing Front Dumbbell Raise – 1 set of 10-12 reps
Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise – 1 set of 10-12 reps

There you have it.

All sets should be taken to complete muscular failure where no additional reps can be completed using proper form. Keep a detailed record of each workout and strive for continual improvement from week to week by either increasing the resistance or the number of reps performed.

If you want to learn the specific training methods for hitting all of your other muscle groups, check out my website by clicking the link below. You can gain instant access to a complete online muscle-building video lesson series that outlines the proper techniques for maximizing your muscle gains in your chest, back, arms, legs and abs, with a special lesson dedicated to each…

Consequence of the Existing Steroids for Sale


Different case reports and various small studies have indicated the fact that these anabolic steroids, particularly when used in higher doses, are able to increase the user’s aggression and irritability. Some reports have shown the fact that a user who is always searching for steroids for sale will be more prone to commit aggressive acts such as armed robbery, physical fighting  or he will use force in order to obtain the necessary drug. Property crimes are also to be expected; for instance, a heavy steroids user will be tempted to sill from stores and homes, he will be able to damage and even destroy other properties in order to get the money he needs in order to buy anabolic steroids. Almost every steroids abuser will report the fact that he is more likely to engage in these types of illegal activities when on drugs and these activities are usually avoided when staying drug free.

There were some researchers who have claimed the fact that the steroid abusers will commit aggressive acts and various property crimes but this aspect is not to be linked to the drug use itself; the direct effects of anabolic steroids are to be left aside when it comes to these extreme types of behavior because the reason is to be searched for in the extensive media attention. This media attention mainly focuses on the possible link between the steroids use and aggression; according to these statements; the abusers will use the possible existence of this connection o\in order to excuse themselves for their aggressive behavior. They will continue to commit these crimes regardless of the fact that they are using steroids or not. This new theory is quite a radical one that is more prone to believe the fact that this type of aggressive behavior is not a drug induced one.

One way when it comes to making the difference between these two alternatives is to administer high steroid doses or placebo ones to different human volunteers; then, they should be asked to report on their behaviors and symptoms. Actually, four experiments of this type have been conducted and three of them have reported a single thing: that high dose of steroids is able to transform a normal behavior into an aggressive one. The placebo doses experiments have reported the exact same thing, namely the fact that aggression can be increased during heavy use of anabolic steroids. But the remaining experiment has reported another thing because the anabolic drugs did not have the same effects as the ones that were demonstrated in other researches; this experiment has proven the fact that physical aggression can also be influenced and increased by other elements too and these elements are not related to the constant use of anabolic drugs.

But these steroids for sale can also be looked for thanks to other side effects that were proven as related to their constant use. These behavioral effects can include mood swings, euphoria, increased energy, distractibility, sexual arousal, forgetfulness and even confusion. Actually, some researches and experiments have indicated a disturbing effect of these substances: the behavioral symptoms were so extreme that the volunteers were highly affected when it came to their work ability. Their entire ability to work in society or in their jobs was totally disrupted and they even transform themselves into a real threat for other people. In summary, we can state the fact that the extent to which the steroids for sale contribute to the existent violent behaviors and disorders is quite unknown. But the health complications are quite evident because the steroid abuse will lead to the prevalence of different cases of violence and behavior disorders that are to be regarded as a real threat for the entire society. The personal trainers should not urge their clients to buy anabolic steroids because their effects can be underreported or even disguised and misleading.

Legal Steroid for Sale - Best Option Ever


The steroid market today is very various. It is possible to find anything you want, for all muscles groups. One fact should be very important when you buy steroid. It is their quality and of course their legal basis.

The use of anabolic steroids or of forbidden substances can cause irreparable injury to your health. That is why it is better if you pay attention to the advertisements which propose legal steroid for sale. Many countries restricted the import of the steroids that contain substances that were forbidden because they cause hearth related diseases.

The damages which can be the result of a long-term excessive consuming of steroids can be various, not only heart related. The excessive dose of steroids can lead to the decrease of good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol, they affect liver and some other parts of the body.  It is recommended to consult some sources when you want to buy steroid, because you should know which substances, out of those indicated on the package, are dangerous and which are not.

The steroids are substances that are derived from plants, animals and fungi. What make steroids so attracting for the users? Of course the effect that they produce. The steroids make the muscle bulk to grow, rapidly and to eliminate the fat faster. The steroids increase protein synthesis, this process stimulates the cellular tissue, and moreover the muscles’ growth.

The steroids are mostly used by the people who practice sport. They help sportsmen to gain high results due to the fact that make their body more resistant. The usage of steroids in sport is banned by most sporting bodies, the use of steroids is forbidden in many countries but also in many countries they are allowed. In these countries you can find legal steroid for sale and illegal too.

The steroids are divided into two groups: oral and injected. There are other types of steroids which are responsible for many process in the body for example corticosteroids are natural or synthetic hormones which influence the adrenal cortex, they are linked with the key processes which take place in the body, such as metabolism of carbohydrate and protein, they control the level of electrolyte and water, they are very important for the processes that are taking place inside of the cardiovascular system, for the functioning of  the skeletal muscle, the kidneys, and other organs.  Such steroids are components of prescript and non-prescript creams and ointments that control eruptions and itch. The female sex hormones estrogens and progestogens maintain the secondary sexual characteristics in women and influence the female reproductive system. These hormones are basic ingredients in birth control tablets.  Such hormones like androgens develop the male secondary sexual characteristics and are responsible for male reproductive system. In case of the female breast cancer the hormone testosterone is commonly prescribed, it is also prescribed in cases of androgen deficiency, they stimulate growth and production of the red blood cells. Such kind of steroids are usually prescribed by doctors for medical purposes, you go to a drug store and find their those legal steroid for sale, which you were prescribed, you will follow the dose given to you by the doctor and you will not suffer any side effects.

Legal steroids for sale can be found in many authorized stores which are specialized in selling food supplements, these stores have a legal patent on certain allowed steroids and supplements. In case you buy steroid or food supplements from illegal sources you will not be sure about their quality and about their safety. For sure you will buy a product that is banned and that will cause you many health problems. You will not be instructed how to take the pills, you will not be told about the right dose an about the side effects, and more over you will not be told to drop consuming anabolic steroids if you will have side effects. Such background stores need money and nothing else.

The body builders represent the main part of the consumers of steroids. They buy steroids that help muscle bulk to grow fast and to be very solid. When touching such muscles one can think that there is iron instead of flash under the skin. These kinds of steroids keep muscles strong and resistant and they do not shrink after an inadequate diet or after overtraining. Other favorite steroids consumed by body builders are those which stimulate the production of natural testosterone, which has a strong impact on the protein synthesis. Proteins help your muscles grow, so the more protein is synthesized the bigger your muscles grow.

Why Speeding Up your Metabolism is so Important for Bodybuilders


There is no doubt that your metabolism affects your weight as well as your efforts in bodybuilding. Being able to speed up your metabolism is important in losing weight and strengthening your body. One of the best ways of speeding up your metabolic rate is through increasing your levels of protein. Numerous studies have proven this out. Here are some facts and tips in understanding how eating more protein can be so beneficial to increased muscles.

While the numerous studies that have been done with varying opinions on how protein affects muscle mass and how much protein it takes to gain more mass, one thing researchers can agree on is the fact that more protein helps decrease appetite. In turn, this leads to helping regulate body weight.

In fact, one study done in 2003 showed that protein gives your body a much more fuller feeling after eating than it does with eating a lot of carbs and fats. This is not only in the short term, but long term as well.

At the same time, eating foods that contain protein will also help in burning off fat and most importantly, keeping it off. This is due in part to what is termed dietary thermogenesis.

Yes, lowering your intake of calories is important in losing fat, but it is not the only thing. Researchers have proven out what most bodybuilders already know; protein levels have a major role in shaping your body. Protein will help you lose fat and also prevent it from returning.

If you have seen the bodybuilding and nutrition program called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, then you know how important of a role protein plays in bodybuilding and building increased muscle mass. It’s an excellent source that lays it all out in an easy to understand system.

How much protein will give you better results? The studies that were done on increasing protein showed that increasing your levels of protein by only 30 grams a day helped to produce such positive results. Compare that to the protein levels of what many bodybuilders consume, which can be up to 40%-50% of their total calories.

What’s the bottom line here? By taking out some of your carbohydrates from your daily diet and replacing them with more protein, even as little as 30-40 grams, then you will notice a big change in reducing fat and building more muscle mass. And isn’t that the goal anyway?

How Many Exercises and Sets Do I Perform for My Strength Training?


What if I told you only have a limited amount of energy (readily available) per strength training session, would you believe me?  Well the latest scientific data and blood tests on individuals under strict gym conditions have revealed that blood sugar levels drop dramatically after only 20 to 30 minutes during a high intensity strength training session.  

So you see you only have a short period of time to complete your strength training, so exercise selection is crucial for proper results.

One way around this is to use compound multi-joint movements as these offer the most beneficial muscle stimulation needed for lean muscle growth and metabolism improvement in the shortest period of time. In other words, we can train many muscles simultaneously and use our energy more efficiently.  

Compound exercises are much more functional and superior to isolation exercises and promote natural movement of your joints.  Heavier loads can also be lifted using these exercises. Some benefits are:

  • More functional
  • Higher muscle activation
  • Higher hormonal release
  • Less stress on joints.

Examples of compound multi-joint movements include squats, bench press, dips, and chin-ups. Performing three to four exercises with high intensity during a session are what most people are capable of during a high intensity strength-training workout.

All the main muscle groups are thoroughly exercised with these exercises and they have an overall growth effect on the body as a whole i.e. a total body workout.

After rest and recuperation is allowed to take place and at the next exercise session if you can push out a few more reps then you will have become stronger, thus allowing for more muscle growth. i.e. more lean muscle and a higher metabolism.

It only takes one of these workouts to target the entire major support muscles of the body. Exercises should be chosen from the more complex and challenging to the less complex and challenging. Remember, as you get stronger in your upper body exercises i.e. Dips, Bench Press and Lat Pull downs, you will also add size to your upper arms as well as to your shoulders.

There is no need to train the arms and shoulders with isolation exercises.

Did you know that current research shows that performing one set per exercise is as beneficial as multiple set workouts!!
If you think that volume training (multiple sets) is more effective then you’re wrong!

The latest research shows that single set training is as beneficial as multiple set training. Also by performing the one set decreases the chances of over training and saves valuable energy for other exercises required during that particular workout.

So all you need to do is ONE SET only of each strength training exercise, this is accomplished by performing as many repetitions as you possibly can. Single sets are just as effective as multiple sets in increasing strength, muscle size and power.

After performing one complete set to total failure, it should be just about impossible to generate the same force and intensity for another complete set of the same exercise. If you’re able to generate the same force and intensity for this second set then it is pretty obvious that not enough effort has been put into the first set.

If you give each set per exercise 100% effort (e.g. you cannot move the bar after the last rep) then there will be no more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise. 

Multiple Sets can be used in the following circumstances.

  • The initial stages of learning a new exercise.
  • During rehabilitation

Remember it is the intensity that is important, not the volume when it comes to gains in strength. One warm up set of 50% of maximal weight can be done for 5-10 repetitions to oil the joints for the big work set that is to follow. After completing a set and when your breathing has returned to normal proceed to the next exercise. There is no time limit here just what you feel comfortable with, be it 3 or 5 minutes etc.

Make no mistake about it put what you have leaned here to practice and you will start to finally make those long awaited gains you have been after.

Catapult your Muscle Gains With Partial Reps and Isometric Contraction


Lets face it Partial range repetitions can be far more effective than full-range reps for building strength and muscle in as short a time as possible. They are basically reps done in a specific range of motion and usually involve doing only the top half or top six inches of the movement this is in your strongest range of motion.

By working only in this range of motion you can use far more weight and therefore, work your muscles harder because they can handle more resistance.

Partial range rep exercises have advantages of being safer also because the weight is prevented from entering the weakest range of motion where most injuries occur. These can be applied to almost any exercise but are more appropriate for some exercises than others.

These include the bigger compound exercises such as the Bench press, Leg press and Reverse grip lat pulldown.

Lets take the bench press for example, after performing a Full range rep warm-up, move to a smith machine or power rack (or a good spotting partner) and place the supports so the bar rests at the top half range (or six inches) from your reach so when you lie on the bench and reach up to grab the bar your arms should be about six inches from full extension.

Push the bar to the top of the movement and then back to the supports. Notice how the safety bars prevent the weight from entering the weak range of motion. Continue on to total failure.

When you lift weight in your strongest range of motion you will notice how easy it is! You will be able to use twice the amount of weight that you would use with the Full Range Reps.

Isometric Contraction is another step upwards in the intensity stakes. It is performed by holding a weight in a fixed position with the muscle fully contracted for an extended period of time. It is performed using the one set only for holds of between five and fifteen seconds.

During these holds nearly all of the muscle fibers of the target muscle are recruited, something that doesn’t happen with full range repetitions. The more muscle fibers you can recruit the  more growth that can occur. I have found that by using this technique on trainees strength gains of 50% in ten weeks have often occurred.

Only one all out maximum intensity set per exercise is necessary for this type of training. If you give the first set 100% effort then there will be no more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise.

Fortunately isometric contraction will probably be the easiest and safest way to perform strength training exercises as there are no reps and no motion of the weight, the entire set consists of holding the weight motionless for 5-15 seconds depending on what cycle you are in.

By cycling the seconds per hold, as you move into your training program from week to week the absolute intensity of the exercise increases (the weight used for the exercises increases) thus promoting more functional muscle growth. It is very important you limit the range of motion of the weight you are using.

If you do not have a strong training partner who can spot you during these lifts then you must use a power rack or a smith machine. Now lets look at a exercise and how isometric contraction works with it.

Bench Press: This exercise is best performed on a smith machine or inside a Power Rack, Position the bar within two or three inches of your extended reach. Place 50-100% more weight on the bar than you have been using for your partial reps. Push the bar up two to three inches (do not lock-out) and hold for appropriate count.

With all exercises push yourself to the limits of your capability. Most trainee’s using this method make the mistake of underestimating the weight they can lift. You can expect very significant increases in the weight used for all exercises.

So there you have it, by incorporating these two training techniques into your every day strength training programs you will be well on the way to increasing your size and strength in no time at all.

Why Aren’t you Using the Right Number of Repetitions in the Gym


Firstly lets look at how to perform repetitions correctly and then we will look at how to cycle them correctly.

A full range repetition should be taken through the complete range of joint movement in a slow controlled manner, if the weight is so heavy so you have to jerk it bounce or swing it to get it to the top of the movement, it is too heavy and your form will be compromised.

I advocate an eight-second repetition with a three second lifting (positive) movement and a five second lowering (negative) movement. I believe this to be a safe and productive exercise speed When performing each exercise through a full range of motion, accentuate the lifting part of the movement slowly and smoothly for each repetition to the count of three.

Don’t pause in the contracted position but lower the resistance slowly and smoothly to the count of five. Maintain a normal breathing pattern throughout the whole movement exhale on the lift and inhale on the release. Avoid locking joints when lifting weights, always keep a slight bend in the arms and legs.

Fast and jerky movements should be avoided at all times as they place undue stress on the muscle and connective tissue substantially increasing the likelihood of injury.

Examples of this are: arching the back and bouncing the bar off the chest in the Bench Press, bending forward under squats and using any sort of momentum for any other exercise. These will work counter to your goals so be aware and eliminate them from your program.

If you are not sure about the speed of the movement move slower, never faster, do not sacrifice form for the sake of more repetitions. The slower speed is safer also because you can stop at any point in the movement range. There are also advantages to training with slower movement speeds. These include:

.  A longer period of muscle tension
.  A higher level of muscle force
.  A lower risk of tissue trauma and injury

The development of lean muscle and strength go hand in hand, therefore a exercise session will have to be designed so that when your strength improves, then you will also be increasing your useful lean muscle also.

Changes in repetitions and weight throughout a bodybuilding training cycle is an effective way to maintain progress over time and avoid training plateaus ie when you fall into a slump in terms of your inability to gain strength and muscle.

Activation of muscle fiber types is dependant upon the levels of tension experienced in the muscle and feedback provided from the muscle sensory organs. So the number of repetitions per set have to be changed throughout a strength training cycle.

The higher the repetitions for a strength training exercise, the more the slow twitch muscle fibers are affected. These are the muscle fibers that promote endurance.

Moving further down the scale, the lower repetition range will activate the fast twitch muscle fibers (strength muscle fibers) and increase strength and grow lean muscle. For strength training the stimulus must be below 20 repetitions as to have an effect on the phosphate energy system and to activate the fast twitch fibres.

The resistance must also be progressively increasing for the number of repetitions performed to achieve your training goals.

The number of repetitions per set of exercises can then be adjusted between say 15 and 8 over a ten week strength training cycle. From these adjustments, as you move from week one to week ten, the absolute intensity of the exercise increases (the weight used for the exercises increases) thus promoting more functional muscle growth.

The closer your strength training cycle progresses towards the end of the cycle, the lower you’ll find the repetitions will become and the weight will become heavier also. This will have an effect of increasing your lean functional muscle and hence elevate your metabolism for fat loss.

For gains in strength and muscle size,long rest periods must be used to replenish the phosphate energy system for the maximum performance in the next exercise.

Slow controlled contractions are also recommended for controlled tension on the muscle and safety. When you reach a point where you’re using exercises with heavy weights (free weights, like the bench press), have a helper or spotter handy who will give you support on the last few reps. alternatively, you can use machines where no spotter is necessary.

In conclusion, by performing and cycling your repetitions correctly you will be one step ahead of the pack in attaining your exercise and strength training goals.

Strength Training: 10 Things you Must Know


Lets face it everybody knows that strength training builds muscle but did you know that it does more much more for you in the health stakes. Lets have a look at these strength training tips one by one and you will see what a difference this valuable tool will make to your general health:

Weights Improve Immunity - Immune strength depends on the availability of the amino acid glutamine and your muscles have to supply the glutamine to your immune system in order for it to work.

The more muscle you have the more abundant the glutamine supply, and other things being equal, the better your immune system works.

Weights Grow Bone - A study at Stanford University showed clearly that about 20% of bone mineral density is dependent on maintaining muscle.

A new study reported in February 2000 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that even in elderly women, a one-year weight-training program increased their strength by 20-30%, with a significant increase in bone density.

Weights Combat Diabetes - New studies published between 1995 and 2000 show that weight training has an unexpected benefit - it improves glucose tolerance in patients with Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes.  

In one of these studies, post-menopausal women with diabetes followed a weight-training program for four months.  Their glucose sensitivity to a challenge improved by an average of 29%.

Weights Wack Arthritis - At Tufts University in the USA, researches gave patients with rheumatoid arthritis 10 weeks of high-intensity weight training.

Results showed significant reductions in joint pain and fatigue and a big gain in strength. Results showed that the weight work caused a significant decline in arthritis activity.

Weights Raise Testosterone - Did you know that strength training is one of the best exercises to raise testosterone levels in men and women!   With strength training the levels of both testosterone and growth hormone rise dramatically.

Since loss of strength and muscle mass are the prime causes of most age-related diseases a lifelong strength training program is one of the best insurance polices for a better quality of life for both men and women.  

Avoid Muscle Loss - although endurance exercise improves our cardiovascular fitness, it does not prevent the loss of muscle tissue.

Only strength training maintains our muscle mass and strength throughout our mid-life years. After the age of 20 up to ½ pound of muscle tissue is lost per year in both males and females owing to the normal ageing process.

By Strength Training once a week using all the major muscle groups until you are unable to push each exercise for another repetition, 3-4 exercises, and 15 -20 minutes max training time. Keep getting stronger, Smile, be positive and live life.

Avoid Metabolic Rate Reduction - because muscle is very active tissue, muscle loss is accompanied by a reduction in our resting metabolism.

Research indicates that an average adult experiences a 5% reduction in metabolic rate every decade of life. Only high intensity strength training performed once or twice a week with prescribed rest periods can avoid this.

Increase Muscle Mass - because most adults do not perform strength exercise, they need to first replace the tissue that has been lost through inactivity.  Fortunately research shows that a standard strength training program can increase muscle mass by about 4 kg or 10 lbs over a ten-week period.

Increase Metabolic Rate - Research reveals that adding 10 lbs of muscle increases our resting metabolism by 7% and our daily calorie requirements by 15%.

At rest, 2 lbs of muscle requires 77 calories per day for tissue maintenance and during exercise, muscle energy utilization increases dramatically.  

Adults who replace muscle through sensible strength exercise use more calories all day long thereby reducing the likelihood of fat accumulation.

Reduce Body Fat - In a 1994 study, strength exercise produced 10 lbs of fat loss after two months of training, even though the subjects were eating 155 more calories per day.

That is, a basic strength-training program resulted in 8 lbs more muscle, 10 lbs less fat and more calories per day food intake.

Increase Bone Mineral Density - The effects of progressive resistance exercise are similar for muscle tissue and bone tissue.

The same training stimulus that increases muscle strength also increases bone density and mineral content. A 1993 study demonstrated significant increases in the bone mineral density of the upper femur after four months of strength training.

So, now you can go ahead with your strength training endeavours knowing that you will be experiencing all these benefits found in the above tips.